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Colorado Springs Little League

Colorado Springs Little League

Pool Players

Colorado Springs Little League (CSLL)
2020 Pool Player Policy

Little League (LL) allows the usage of “pool players” to fill rosters during the season when illness, injury or other reasons cause a temporary loss of players from a team. The intent of this program is simply to allow teams to participate with 9 players to avoid game forfeiture. CSLL will comply with this rule and adhere to the following protocol regarding Pool Players.


  • Immediately after the draft, and prior to the first regular season game, the Player Agent will collect the names of all interested players from within their respective divisions. During the registration process, parents are able to volunteer their player to be listed as a pool player at no extra charge. This will also give players the opportunity to get some extra games providing their team is not playing at the same time.

  • The Player Agent will create the list by listing the pool players in alphabetical order by last name, with their team name, e-mail address and phone number. The list will be sent to the each Division Commissioner prior to the first game. The list will be updated and maintained by the league Player Agent.


  • A team must have 9 or less players planning to attend a game in order to request one (1) pool player.

  • Managers cannot request pool players if they have 10 (or more) core players attending the game.


  • If a Manager knows he/she will have LESS THAN 9 PLAYERS for a scheduled game, he/she MAY contact the Player Agent and request a pool player(s) to make up the difference.

  • The Manager needs to contact the Player Agent 24 hours or more prior to the scheduled game.

  • If the Manager contacts the Player Agent less than 24 hours before the scheduled game the Player Agent will still try to find a player, however the Manager will understand that getting a pool player may not be possible.

  • Managers CANNOT contact other managers or families to request certain players. The Manager also CANNOT request that the Player Agent provides a certain player.

  • The approved procedure is for a Manager to contact the Player Agent. In the event the Player Agent is unavailable, the Manager will contact the Commissioner of that division.


  • The Player Agent (or commissioner) will select the next available player from the pool player list and make contact with the family. Once a pool player is located, the Player Agent will give the family the contact information for the Manager and the time/date/location of the game.


  • Pool player(s) will bat last in the lineup, after all core players.

  • Pool player cannot pitch in the game.

  • Pool players must start the game and play 9 defensive outs before they are pulled from the defense.

  • Pool players must wear their regular uniform.

  • It is the responsibility of the Manager to ensure the pool player is properly utilized. Violations will result in restriction from using pool players, and possible forfeiture of game. Punishment will be decided by the Competition Committee and/or Board.


  • The Player Agent will record which players on the pool player list have participated in a game. Once a pool player is utilized, his name is placed last on the contact list. All other players must be contacted before the pool player is utilized again.

  • If a pool player declines to participate after being contacted twice they will then be placed last on the contact list. A pool player can also be asked to be removed from the contact list.

  • During the season a player who originally did not volunteer to be a pool player can be asked to be added to the contact list by contacting the Player Agent. The player will be placed at the end of the list.


Colorado Springs Little League
P.O. Box 76742 
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80970

Email: [email protected]

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